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Dearest Girl-

In the past six days since I wrote you last I haven't had a moment to myself - Friday (6th) I was in invited to lunch with the John Carpenters at their charming little house on Rush St.  The luncheon was in honor of [[Bakss?]].  He and I had a good talk & got to be real friendly - invited me to go & see him in Paris etc.  I left early to go to the office of Kennedy where Miller of the Trust Co. was waiting.  They both plied me with questions- [[strikethrough]] on [[/underscore]] under [[strikethrough]]on the[[/strikethrough]]- for two hours.  The [[?]] took down over twenty or thirty pages of conversation

I think we will win out there - but we wont know for some time yet- At 6: I took Mrs. Sherwood Anderson to dinner where we meet the Foggies & 5 or 6 others & after she took me to see the Lower Depths by the Moscow Art Theater- who are here now- She is acting as there manager here & has free tickets-

Sat- I spent all morning selecting the things at the store house that I want to sell- quite a job- & very hard on me to have to decide all those things that I had colected with so much love & care and for the few things that had belonged to my mother I had to force myself to do it- I had lunch on 63rd street (a street that I am