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sure is coppied after the streets in hell) and finished up the job afterwards- I came home slept till dinner time & then had to take the kids to the movies. I also slept till noon Sunday & after one of Mae's big dinners went to the north side & had tea with the Rouliers- Later Mrs Anderson took me to the studio of a friend for supper & to hear [[Creambury?]] (the old editor of the Bruin) read his rotton poetry- All young literary Chicago was there & it lasted till midnight- never so bored in my life- Monday I sent [[spent]] a couple of hours again at the store house- went down town and cashed Sherman's check & hurried over to lunch with Aldis & a friend of his at the Arts Club. He thinks that if I do a portrait while I am here I might - if it is a success get some orders - so he persuaded his friend to pose for me - so I am going to try - she has a good head to do & I shall be mighty glad to get to work. So I spent the afternoon hunting for a studio & returned to the south side to have dinner with the Faggies- They will probably go to Paris this fall- Mrs F. will go first with some rich Chicago friends - the sister of a big architect & her 17 year old daughter & another young girl- They want the girls