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All afternoon I hunted for a studio & came home at 5:30 to dress. Way back on to the north side again to dinner with the McCormiks—  Among other were Aldis & the Smalls. A very splendid but simple affair - everything being service [[served]] & eaten from silver plate.  They are going over in June - the Smalls also - Mrs. S - wants to take lessons with you—  They are all quite crazy about Chantreville - and want places like it—  After dinner we had a box at the Orcestra [[Orchestra]] Hall to hear a concert by Robert Schmitz & Miss Gotier—  After the concert I went back & had a talk with Schmitz—  

Wensday [[Wednesday]] - all morning at the  store house & lunch at the Cliff.

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to study French-litriture [[literature]] & history of art - in fact they expect you to take complet [[complete]] charge of their education - Mrs F. teaching them music - I have also given a card to a Miss Kellogg a nice Chicago girl who will be in Paris in a few weeks & wants you to teach her, she may also take our appartment for the summer & go with us to the country. Miss Blair of the rich Chicago family of that name is also going to look you up when she goes to live permanently in Paris - next month. 

Thursday I spent all morning in the store house again and had lunch at the Cliff D. with Ritman—  He is staying over six or eight months longer