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With Polachie [[strikethrough]] at the clu [[/strikethrough]] who has found a studio for me— After I went to the Arts Club and Schmitz came to see some of my things, which were just unpacked. Also had a good talk with Mrs Carpenter, Aldis Mrs Blair, Alerton etc. After I went to see the studio - got clay, stand & fixed everything ready for today- 

This morning I spent at the Arts Club getting the pedestals ready etc- & at one had lunch with Aldis & a party of his friends, including my model. Cramberg read some more of his stuff & then from 3 to 5 I started the head- 

Its good to get to work again but its going to be an awfuly hard head to do- After I went to the antique shop and fixed the prices on my things- I had this half done last night but Mrs Young came & we had to play bridge till one o'clock- 

Tomorrow morning we start arranging the show & its going to be some job!! And in the afternoon the big tea! May God me kind to me! I've gotten so many white hairs since I've been in this damed country you won't know me when I get back- I've also gotten thiner- If I don't [[strikethrough]] get [[/strikethrough]] have time to get a draft tomorrow for Shermans check I'll send this off anyhow-

Good night old girl - I'm off to bed - I'm dead!
Your John-