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[[stationery stamp]]
The Cliff Dwellers
220 South Michigan Avenue 
[[/stationery stamp]]

Dearest Girl--

I wrote you on the 12th but didn't get a chance to mail it until Saturday morning (14th) after I had been to the Trust Co.  I enclosed a draft for $142.80 which is for the month of April-  also a draft for $150.00 from the Sherman 270-  I kept the Balance not wanting to run short- if I dont need it will send it on later-

Friday morning (13th) I was at the Arts Club at 9 o'clock, and worked there with Mrs. Carpenter - Miss Blair & Alice [[Rollenling?]] till one- when Carpenter- A.R. & I had lunch together- They are both carming [[charming]] & very good friends of mine--