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the Stellas- "they are interesting, but I fail to see any art in it"- Every one was interested one way or the other but only about four people really understand- Mr Aldis is the only one who was there from the Art Ins!

Mr Watson want its to go to Milwalky [[Milwaukee]] & I told he could have the show if he would garintee [[guarantee]] to buy $500- worth!  so he didn't say any more!  I got a very good start on the head thursday & Friday during my show the fellow who rented me his studio caled me up to say that he had changed his mind, & that I would have to find some other place! And he wouldn't let me take away the start that I had already made- the clay being his etc-- I could have knocked him down- but there being a phone between us I could only hang up-  So that was that- Friday evening I went to dinner with Faggie- Mrs Anderson- Wellington Jones etc.  Sat- I had lunch with M. [[Bathilemy?]] and [[Dunesiel?]]- the French pianist- at the Chicago Club- after Judge Dickinson took us all to the first showing of a movie- At five I had tea at the Blair's & spent a restful moment.  Sunday evening there was a concert at the Arts Club where they gave Leo's sonata for violin and piano- Mae & Andy were there- I went earlier to dinner with Miss Rollins & friends-  There being many small dinner parties given before the concert.  My things looked splendid in such a setting of gayity & elegance- He said something about giving me a fountain to do(?)

Glad to get your long letter & hear about all the gay times you have been having!

Solong- my dear!  lots of love  Your John- 4-17