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Top page Pension Onofri = = = = = = = 35 via dell' Orivolo IIĀ° piano = firenze Recommended by Baedefer and "the Teachers Guild" = = = = = = = = Near Piazza del Duomo and all the Galleries, Theatres, etc. = = = = Italian family life = = = = = = = = = = = = = Italian lessons et required [[Image: fleur-de-lis on left side]] Bottom page Sig. John B. Storrs 5490 Cornell- Ave. [[strikethrough]] 109 Rue du [[Cherche?]] Midi [[/strikethrough]] Chicago [[underlined]] (U.S.A.) [[/underlined]] Paris France. [[stamp]] 25 cent POSTE ITALIANE [[/stamp]] [[cancellation stamp]] FIRENZE FERROVIA [[/cancellation stamp]] [[cancellation stamp]] FIRENZE FERROVIA [[/cancellation stamp]]