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with some others—when it had already been exhibited—and was delayed there until a few days ago— I daresay they will manage things better when they are in running order. It seems funny to call buying your picture, 'awarding' you a prize—and it is ridiculous for seven or eight unknown Pittsburghers—amiable and excellent citizens no doubt—to sit up and award medals for pictures.

I was pretty well fagged out in Paris—and did not get out to the W'd Brothers—as I hoped to do—  I am still rather rattled—but am

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gradually getting into harness—

Mrs. Abby isn't very well I'm sorry  to say.

With kind regards from us both to Mrs. Alexander and yourself—

Yours respectfully

Edwin A. Abby

I omitted to say that I'd like the enclosed sent on to Mr. Beatty if you have his address.


John White Alexander