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842 Main Street.

March 5th, 1902. 

My dear Mr. Alexander -

The portrait arrived yesterday and is hung where you suggested- Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gage and Miss Gage came in yesterday afternoon to see the picture, and all seemed much pleased with it. Dr. Homer is very enthusiastic about it, and my opinion is that besides being an excellent likeness of both mother and child, it is a most artistic picture. I think you may well be proud and happy because of your success. and I feel that we have secured not only a fine portrait,--but a very good friend in Mr. John. W. Alexander. 

When the proper time comes we shall be very glad to have you come to Worcester and do the varnishing.

With kind remembrance to Mrs. Alexander, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,

Hester A. Knowles (signed)

Mrs. Francis B. Knowles