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she would ([blame Arrington])to bring milk and butter & (cook?) & turn on the water, so the kitchen fire could be built & get some open fires going etc. Isn't that nice of her? Doesn't it sound nice to hear of our little ([idewoods]) matters (['me off']) in France?
I don't know how me can stand [(housing)] you [(& me)] so long. I cannot get used to it & refuse. I really take in the distance. I get sort of panicky and blue- but you will take care of yourself- won't you?
     It will be three weeks any way before a letter can come from you. 
     Mrs.[( Crine)] fixed up a lease of the studio, which will relieve us of any responsibility as to light -tel & cafe priviledge- so that is all right- I will drop a card to Mr. Wise if he doesn't come over soon.
                     Love from Jerry and me.
We so long to hear from you.
                     [(Ener)] your devoted,