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[[margin]]. Isn't it fine that Wendell can be with you in August.  I long to be with you all at that time, but the future is all uncertain. [[/margin]]

is so likely at 8 in the morning, expect to be back Sunday, and hope everything will be in shape.  so I can set off for Bruxelles in a day or so after that. Brand Whitlock is looking after my program there.  How I wish you were all going to be with me! Do look out for yourself, I am feeling better, but have to look our for my "tummy" and the roadtrip with nothing to do is very wearing.  Price of living is something fearful to contemplate, and worse to rum an lavish, butter is $2.00 a pound.  We get no sugar, only saccharine!  Chocolate and coffee + rolls 50 cents and everything in proportion.  Trenching coats any old price and tips - maybe!  

Here are a few wild flowers picked near the palace at Versailles where the Peace Treaty is to be signed.  Hope you are all well and that dear old Jerry is with you 

Lovingly Douglas.