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are very hard and wearing, there are many hardships which you really get overly weary.

I almost dread, do dread the trip to Italy and back to England,- there are so many waits & delays, I don't know yet what arrangements are to be made with George, & Orlando. Nothing doing, in any event until Peace is spied - You of course follow this great development in the papers, and get as much in the Journals as we do, Hope you take the Times, and are watching also for any comment about our mission.

I have a lovely cafe bunch of Daisies, Poppies, & Corn flowers on the table bought from a Belgian street urchin for 10 cents, the only street item I have run up against.

I am sending a couple of Daisies for our anniversary,  not much, but all it is safe to send now.  they will let you know that I am thinking of you on that blessed day, though they may reach you before or after.

I hope the day will be full of sun shine for you, and trust Jerry can be with you, and loveable Jenkins can be there too.

Will make a dash at the final installment of the Narrative of my Battle field trip very soon.

Daisy fields of love to you, and the dear children will write the children soon.  but these letters are for all.

No letters since, the 3 first over in Paris, nothing written since the 10th - of May, I know you have sent plenty of letters but mails are long in coming and uncertain, I hope you have all of mine, and the for "diary [[letters?]]
[[?]] with heaps of love  
old Mumsey

have a very nice large room  two high windows, can work very well, have started a head of Albert, there is a long bathroom with up to date fixtures, and there are no end of bowing attendants, all looking for munificent tips! 
But the Belgians are very nice. I like them.  [[/margin]]