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of twenty Belgian citizens . Sunday June 15-'19 

shot by the H U N S .

Copies from the ETOILE BELGE.

The morning's defile .

   The town of Brussels has just give our unfortunate citizens, shot during the German occupation, a most splendid funeral . Favored by delightful weather , the funeral ceremony has set on foot an enormous crowd , deeply meditative and really impressed . During the course of the morning , thousands of persons defiled before the bodies is the court-yard of the hôtel-de ville transformed into a state chapel and entirely hung with draperies .

The afternoon's ceremony .

    The court of the "hôtel-de-ville" is again crowded at a quarter past two . Besides members of the different families, numerous personalities and authorities are there, who will take part in the procession :- members of the Government nearly in full number; four or five Belgian generals and a French general with "aides-de-camp" the governor of the province and members of different deputations, the mayors and officers of the suburbs, representants, mayors of officers of towns and provinces where the victims were born, the mayor, sheriffs and aldermen from the town of Brussels, the Committee of the Free University , the members of the hospital Committees and so on .
    Under the orders of a captain, a detachment of the 19th line regiment is on duty .
    AT 2.25 a slow Brabaçonne" mingled with the sound of trumpets is heard .
    The King enters by the front door of the tower and salutes . His Majesty  followed by his orderly officer and a servant, passes slowly before the twenty coffins and puts down the Cross of the Order of Leopold on eacg .
   Mr Adolphe MAX then speaks in these terms :-

   On the morrow of the day that the Capital was delivered from the Huns ' tyranny, the council of aldermen following an irresistible impulse of feeling, as, likewise, the entire population of Brussels went in a whole body to the "Tir National to render respectfuly