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 Behind the 20th canon have taken places, the members of the victims' families, a silent group where more than one face is altered and work by the trace of tears and by grief's deep lines.
 The ministers of the allied powers and protecting ministers come next:- M de Margerie , minister of France accompanied by general Rouquerelles, military attaché , chief of the french military mission attached to the Belgian army and Captain Vivieu and Rollin, Sir Francis Hyde Villers, English Minister accompanied by Captains [[strikethrough]] Pearson Cutbill andau and Stone ; Mr Brand WHITLOCK , Minister of the United States, M. von Vollenhoven , Minister of Holland as well as numerous attachés.
 At the moment the procession leaves the Grand place the bells of Ste Gudule begin to [[strikethrough]] ring [/strikethrough]] toll out. Their heavy tones are mingled with the rolling of canons , they throw on the crowd watching the gloomy procession, a feeling of deep and anxious sadness.

At the Cathedral of SS. Michel and Gudule.

[[margin note]]
The part I witnessed on Cathedral stops is marked on Postal card.
[/margin note]]

Long before the hour officially fixed for the arrival of the procession, an innumerable crowd has invaded the vicinity of the cathedral of which the majestic towers are bathed in a splendid radiance of azure and sunlight . There are spectators everywhere grouped in the windows , crowded in the balconies even on the gutters of roofs .
 And all of a sudden the stir that announces some extraordinary event, is felt. It is exactly 10 minutes past 3 when in the distance of the rue de la Montagne the sound of trumpets is heard . At the same time, the heavy boom ing of the cathedral bell is rung out and the dull telling is echoed far and wide casting a tragical impression on this scene of intense life . It is the death-knell, the funeral knell pitiful in its sounds and spreading all over the bereaved town one sole thought and desire to honor the dead so heroic in their glorious martyrdom !...
 And now is the procession !. It slowly streams from the arch formed at its extremely by the rue de la Montagne. The sun sheds in streams of light, its dazzling brilliancy on roofs , cornices and gables , the houses gleam and the towers of Ste Gudule , its booming bells ringing out without interruption, appear more majestic than ever in their beauty so full of awe and radiance .
 Here are the coffins dragged by four horses and surrounded by an escort of soldiers whose bayonets glitter in the sun. On the tricolor cloth covering them, is pinned the Cross of the Order of Leopold. They follow one another to be drawn up before the closed perch of the church in a successive line thus forming a sight of which nothing could describe sufficiently the grand and tragical impression...