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145 Dartmouth St.
Boston  Mass.

15th Oct.

Dear Joe.

I am heartily sorry to hear that your sister is having such a horrid time.  I hope now that she is well enough for you to tell her that her friends here think of her very often and wish her every success and comfort.  It must take lots of pluck to go through that kind of experience.  I read your letter with great pleasure and it made me feel as if I was not altogether exiled in this good town of Boston.  

I shall take pains to write to Mr Crawford at once and impress him with the fact that his salvation lies in staying where he is, or coming directly home, that London is a wicked city, full of vice and poverty and many other things that he don't like.  I will likewise advise him to reread Gantin's book with care, or perhaps you'd better do that.  I think he is still amenable to reason.