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break. About these chemical changes, the doctors confess they know little. I am and was in good health. So we have that to be thankful for and as to the rest we console ourselves in the belief there is a supreme being that directs our destiny. 

I believe the last letter I received from you was in regard to your paintings. Raymond had them cleaned and newly varnished. The painting of Grandma they say needs new canvass but I did not have it done. The renovator said he would not rush it and suggested I carry it to you; which I shall do. I can not definitely say when. I treasure the painting so much, that I feel it is my duty to get it to you, so that it can be preserved. But with a Democratic administration facing us, we do not know what to expect. Roosevelt himself, is a fine man but he can not control the party. When the Democrats finish playing with the tariffs, there will scarcely be a well running in Pennsylvania. But people wanted a change - they felt any change might help. I venture to predict they will want a change more than ever, after four years of Garner and a democratic controlled House and Senate.