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English will not suffer -

I went to see The Notaire yesterday, but, unfortunately he was out for the day. I shall go & see him Friday morning_ He is to be there then. I shall go also to the Bank & see if that money you sent has arrived & will pay R.__ his interest but, I wanted to know first what the Notaire had to say before I went to see R.__ I think if there is a new mortgage made you should be here to sign it, so I will make that suggestion to R., & when you come up you can fix it up. Mme C. told me one renewed mortgages according to the years one had specified in the beginning - How long did we arrange? I suppose it would be in our old lease.

We had last night the first really big lot of Asparagus this season it was fine & such a feast - all we wanted - & that is saying a lot when Jesse is here. We are eating our own salad too. I think we will