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have lots of strawberries just full of blossoms- & look fine & vigerious plants. Peas are up a foot.  Potatoes coming up finely - & the garden full of flowers. The lilacs both purple & white are very fine, & the Iris no [[not with t struck out]] end of them this year.  So I think we cannot complain much 

The 3 days a week without meat won't say any thing to us, as we can get good fresh fish.  We had lovely sole the other day & as I get all my fish from Pauline I got it very cheap  we also had 
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last week lovely mackeral - immense!! baked in the oven with onions & bread crumbs & just a dash of vinegar - & laurel - My! how I wished you had tasted it, but, I can imagine you are not suffering much (?) Eh? 

I am feeding Jesse the best of every thing & I see I must eat a lot myself if want to keep up my strength, and I am still growing thinner; but I feel strong & am only all tired out when I walk over to P.P. or to 
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