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big shake up.  You have no doubt received both mine & Jess's letters add. to Neufchateau.

If you left Paris yesterday you missed a big raid I see by the "Telegram"  I hope you got out of it O.K.  Poor Daddy he is now in town!  Poor old man.  How I wish he was home in N.Y. with Elna  it was very unfortunate he returned when he did after we sent him home - & a war on over here - but, really I cannot worry about him - we have enough hell here.  I am so glad you are out of Paris as much as you are.  The moon is now on the wane thank-goodness,, We will have, a wee respite., & get some sound sleep -

Night before last we slept over at Mme Carmiers, she has a good cellar, & further away from bridge than we are. I hope before next moon we will have a good dug-out over on one of our dunes.

I think I have answered all the questions in my last letter you asked in this