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HOTEL DE FRANCE            

GASTON CARÉ           


Téléphone 29
VITTEL, le 20 June, 1918

My dear Henry — 

Just a line to say I got your letter of [[strikeout]] the [[/strikeout]] Sunday last. from Chaumont. I am all O.K. now. & Jesse is doing very well indeed at R.C.

Now, dear do send me some money.  The bill for last week with your 2 nights & one day came to 168 frs & I hadn't enough to pay for it or if I do it will leave me without a cent. I will try & get a reduction which I think we aught to have -

When do you think you will be here again?

An English officer was in to lunch today with a French interpreter & they both told me of another terrible air raid at E. 850 people & soldiers killed & the hospitals terribly bombed. 8 nurses & 11 officers killed. Is it not terrible? & I hear the H's are all now evacuated from there. How strange it must be not to have any nurses around — poor