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E is being hit more ways than one.

Had a letter from Mr Nelson - He said the torpedo did not do any damage to the garden & the garden is being worked & put in A.1. shape. Our house is not rented yet. The Ex. Force.[[?]] Canteen is after it hit, found the rent rather stiff. I think I will let it go for 375 frs. not a sou less. Mme Maisch's is now free so I had better hurry up - I would like them to sign for at least 6 months at that rent. I shall write Mr N. today to that effect.

had a lovely long letter from Mme M. They are at Cabourg Calvados - for the Summer. if we find a good school for Jesse she will try & send Jacques too as she wants to send him now to a boarding school.

Letter from Papa. He is O.K. One from Denny in answer to mine. I asked for Jesse's bread & sugar cards & he sent them. He felt greatly relieved we had left there safe as he [[?]] all about what we had all passed through up there. The Geo. Magazine also came & as usual very fine.

All forward - Send [[chi__?]] at once S.V.P - 
With love from us both for you
Yours -