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My dear little girl:

We had a glorious trip all the way. Even up until today there was sunshine and it was not too warm. Franken asked about you, your health, and how big you were.
Last week when we were in London, Kim and I went around a great deal. Westminster Abbey, the most wonderful church I believe in the world. Age and the many different designs of its monuments placed in it since its construction has enhanced its value and beauty. I went also to the Parliament twice. Had the great pleasure of seeing and hearing Lloyd George speak. He is a wonderful man and came up to all my expectations, which I had gathered now for many years. St. Paul's is also very beautiful, but simple and somewhat cold for a church. I believe the finest architecture for a church should be Gothic. It is warm, big and cheerful in all its designs and always seems to be reaching heavenwards. All its lines are also light, happy and have a great force of thoughtfulness about it. We (Jim and I) happened to strowl down a little narrow street and saw a very fine old church which was surrounded by large business buildings. But there was still a little plot of ground left where a few tombstones were left. One of them was in memory of Olive Goldsmith.
I have your picture of your little pony with me all the time, and my friends think you are a great girl. I know you are, and I am always thinking of you as a great fine good girl like a great beautiful church that is always helpful to your dear mother and everybody.

Lots of love and good health,
