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From Solon H Borglum
A.C.F. Secry.


Mrs Solon H Borglum
Norwalk, Conn

On Active Service
With the American Expeditionary Force

Dear Emmy and children. - Letter No 5

I mailed a letter to you this morning, in which I told you that I had not heard from you yet.  This noon two letters came No 1, and one with no number, (but June 18 date)  I was mighty glad to hear from you and make hast to let you your letter came.  I am very glad Paul you played the bugle for Picknell ever little things helps.  Often they seem small but [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] a little job can often turn out to be a prity big one.  Jimmie & I went down to mail our letter this morning and while waiting Jim was looking at a morning paper, and in the list of wounded he saw the name of a young Lieut. whom he knew when a little boy so Jim is quite upset today.  We are trying to locate him but have not succeeded as yet.  We understand he was danguresly wounded.  When Jim arrived the first letters he received in Paris was from the mother of this boy.  Yesterday when I was at the Hospital with Mrs M. two of the boys who was seriously wounded were reported dead that morning so they thought is quite a joke to be icecream, and dead at the same time.  There are many other thy that I must remember to tell you when I come home (one cannot write).  It is very sad about Dick D.  Let us hope he will get well, fight through it all and then come over.  Tell our neighbors that I am always enquiring about Conn. boys and that if they need to know anything I will find it out throug the Y.M.C.A.  We get a lot of news first hand from the front direct from the boys, but you get it before we do through the papers. Of course right from the boys it sounds fresh anyway.  I know that the package Mary sent is for her broths but I had to brake it open and lost the address so if she will send it I will send it to him at once.  The advice we received was not true anyway because our trunks was not examined anyway.  Tell Mary her brother will get the package.  Mr Montgomery is very nice to me.  Tomorrow noon I am to dine with him and three Prof.  I wish you would have Monty telephone to Mary & tell her that her brother hunted me up and is doing all he can to make me at home here.  Now I must not write to much in one letter or there will not be anything to write in the next.  Just wanted to let you know that you good letter came today lots of love and kisses - Solon 

P.S. Pls not forget to no the letters.  We will leave for somewhere in France in a few day.  Everything is being done to keep the mail going but it cannot be perfect.  I know with three leavel heads everything will go well at home.