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of course the wounded are coming in but we are to [too] far away now to be a first aid hospital but every department connected with the work is leaving [strikethrough/] nas [strikethrough] each day. I hope we will soon leave, there has been a compleet [complete] change over this vilige [village] yesterday and today practily [practically] all the civilians are back going about their work. stores are open, the cryer is going about the town crying out the orders of the day. early in the morning we still have many passing soulders [soldiers] to give coffee & chocolate to. They are generly [generally] soulders [soldiers] who came from the resting points to this place by train in the night. the start off early in the morning on foot for the front. the French have a new spirit in them, you see the Allies are fighting together. the other day, four [strikethrough/] men can [strikethrough] men were brought to the hospital. 2 American & 2 French men they eate [ate] berekfast [breakfast] together, fought together were all wounded and were sent to this hospital. one of the boys of, about 19, look quite clean & shaved & while joking with him I asked him how it was he was so clean & nicely shaven, He said 1. you see that fellow laying next to me is our company barber I told him this morning I wanted a clean shave & hair cut, because if I am killed today or wounded I wand [wanted] to look clean wherever I am stretched out. They were badly wounded 

in the arms & shoulders but they will pull through alright. they very elated the days work it is certainly true that the Busch are roped on chained to their cannons. this is undoubtedly done in the retreat and aplies [applies] to the rear gards [guards] who must stay with the guns to the last & then surrender if they can I do not think many get the chance. they also have a little machine gun which they carry in a stretcher, they put red cross band in their arm they come out in groups when they get their position they put down the stretcher and open fire. we had three Germans in our hospital last week, they are dead now. one of them shot his stretcher berrer [bearer]. when I went my rounds in the rooms, I could not help shuttering [shuddering] with horror at the three wounded men. I hope there will be no kind of peace until this whole nation has been crushed militarily, our Director Mr. Blanch is not well, and one of our French men has been moved to another place, Jim and I sleep in a Hotel, a [strikethrough/] recd [strikethrough] room with two beds we have our breckfast [breakfast] and supper at the canteen witch cost us very little, and are dinner at this Hotel, my breckfast [breakfast] is composed of a boll [bowl] of milk & bread