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bike me to help us. Here evey [[every]] man. is a fighter. no civilian so no help us two alone. make and give 3&4 thousand. every day. and to the trench boys any time at night. it is a grate [[great]] work. but not a minute to loose. I see so many souveners [[souvenirs]]. Laying around on the ground. I only take what is the most intresting [[interesting]] here we sleep in the cave. all the time we have one that is quite dry. Better than the last. one. we take care of our shoes. but never our cloths [[clothes]] excep [[except]] when we can get a chance to chang [[change]] them, so one of my suits. acts of a working suit in the day time and Pajamas at night. so you can amagan [[imagine]] it look frghtined [[frightened/frightening]]  you Emma you are thinig [[thinning]] down. well dont get sick. any way, I am very happy that you have had such good pleasure in your work this summer and with the war going on as is is now the near future looks very bright. I hope we get a [[chance/ahead]], though first (before Peace comes about) to get on German terotory [[territory]] and demollish [[demolish]] some of the German citys [[cities]]. in comnig [[coming]] to where we are now we had to cross. what what no mans land for four years until just the other day. the dessolateness [[desolateness]] of the Plains in the west cannot be compareid [[compared]] to it and yet it can give you an idea of this place [[strike-through]] est [[/strike-through]] vilige [[village]] compleetely [[completely]] whiped [[wiped]] out not a soul any place