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Dear Emma and Kids:
  Today I went to Epernay to attend a conference of the different directors and it was very interesting. It is not far away from Montmereil but it was an all day trip. I received special orders to report tomorrow with my things to be sent to another place which I am not allowed to tell just now. Isn't the war going on fine? The Bulgarians got cold feet; the others will soon follow. Of course we are all crazy with joy here and just now Montmereil is so far from the front that it seems quite to me to what it was when we arrived.
  It is now midnight and I have all my things packed, ready to leave in the morning, Thursday Oct. 3. So I leave before Jimmy but I think he will be ordered to leave soon. He will go part way with me.
  We have had quite an experience running the Foyer alone while Blanc was away. We took care of many thousands of soldiers in all kinds of ways and work. Frank Reilly did not pass here after all so I will send the package to him in the morning. It is all ready for him. Tell his sister that I will watch out for him. Anyway I have written to Percy and hope to hear from hi msoon. Jimmy gave me your letter of Tuesday, Sept. 3 in which you speak of the Exhibit. Paul and Elizabeth may soon be over. I hope I will see him. I am very glad the exhibition went off alright. And Monica and Paul are so good to you in your work. And the paper on the wall is fixed.
  Lots of love to you all,

Will write next from my new place.