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November 21

Dear Emma and Children,
  Today I am in a little village in Belgium - (Bentrex)  Since the 8th of November (I think) we have been marching almost every day, and still going. From St. Germain - Mont we made for Signey (?) L'Abbey. Started a little Foyer in Marlemont after four days walked to Vigne au Bois, left this place for Bouillon (Belgium) a very beautiful village. We passes La Chapel which was burned by the Fritz 1914, past Gwonne Eloing (Mizeres) .....the roads are very much better, but colder at night, so walking is fine, we have been in such a hurry in all our movements that it has been difficult for me to keep the date or days in mind. We are making for a village in Germany, and as soon as we arrive will have a better opportunity to write. Since I left Montmirail it has been the real army life from the mud and Popot of the Poilu to the Popot and life of the officers and  I find them all very kind to me. Being the only American following the direction am often times quite a curiosity. The French civilians have been very kind, they have suffered very much the Belgians the same . We rest here one day and two nights. The Commander of our Regiment, officers and I are staying with a fine Belgian family . They treat us gloriously. Now I must quit for a while, will however get this letter off today. Just a few words more. It is late now and we must hurry and load out things so we can start early in the morning.
  Monica, it is your birthday on the 9th of December . I wish you a most joyoua day and years following. Your letters to me have been always most interesting and it made me happy many time to know I have such a fine girl as me daughter, lots of love and a million kisses,