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[[IMAGE]] Y.M.C.A.

the beginning of the war. I have abute [[about]] all the experienc [[experiences]] of war since I left mortonerl [[Montmirail?]]. except being killed or wounded sometimes it has been very hard, but, always so much that could be done that it was easy to forget ones own trouble. such little anoyances [[annoyances]] as eating an [[and]] sleeping had to take care of itself. now as we move forward our work is changing we meet many prisonors [[prisoners]] that the Bush [[Bosch]] have released we leave our foyer tonight but warm for 60 prissone [[prisoners]](French) to sleep in now that we have no trench work to do on wounded we find the Prisonors [[prisoners]] and also many civilians in grate [[great]] need of some thing to eat and warm to drink it will be very hard for them until the organization of revotivement [[revetment]] is well in hand. we are making for Germany as fast as we can through Luxemburg [[Luxembourg]]. so far the Belgum [[Belgian]] towns are [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] are not destroyed except the houses the germans ocupied [[occupied]]. and the viligs [[villages]] which were