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This is Monday 25th November, could not get a chance to write, have been on the road most of the time and tonight we are separated from our Regiment. Tomorrow we will find i t again, I hope.  The weather is very bad, rain gin and of course quite muddy.  We will be in Luxembourg tomorrow or the next day unless we rest a couple of days. All along the road the Belgians have been exceedingly kind to me. To them I represent the American people and they cannot say (enough) kindness about us. There is no doubt in their mind that they would have died of starvation if the Americans had not sent things to them, in spite of the Germans always selecting the best first, and the reception the towns and cities give the French Army when we enter is great. It is a great fete in every town we pass through. I hope you are getting the letters I am writing, they have not been stamped for some times because it has been impossible for me to get stamps of any kind. So I am trusting to Providence and the good will of the posts that this letter goes through. 

Lots of love and kisses to all, 