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Solon H Borglum
Foyer du Soldat A.EF.

Mrs. Solon H Borglum

Dec 22. 1918.

Le Foyer Du Soldat
Union Franco-Americaine

my dear Emma + children

I just came back from a long trip, after supplies for my foyer, which is way off here in the hills and away from almost any kind of [[?]]. I found enough of things to make a christmas tree and to give each soulder a little present. 1500. so we will try and have a happy time here on christmas day. so Paul. and asked him to write to you at once + [[Jimmie Hubbell?]]  they can give you news of me also my trip after supplies was back to 120 miles on auto truck small Fords and limozines. it took me five days the condition of the country is still bad for eats on my birthday I mad more than 130 mils and had no chance to eat. had left.