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cups of chocolett and gave them out. (my donkeys had to go with my soulder.) so I had to carry on my licke[[strikethrough]] like chocolett, sugar, & caned milk from the main foyer 6 mils from here I am writing this in a hurry be cause the tired soulders are calling me all the time. I keep every thing hot night & day comprers at a time come I do not care weathr this Rug on not a very nice Captain who stoped for the day near by sent me a souldr for the day so I am sorry to sit down for a few minutes I make the chocolett in two 30 leatr cons at a time in a well shot up fine place no doves to the place Piles of dirt every place. just a path for me to walk in from the fire place to the box I sirve on then we must have very small light. any way thus was none so I gave a soulder so[[strikethrough]] all the chocolett he could