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Solon H Borglum
Y.M.C.A. AM.E.F.
Mrs. Solon H. Borglum
Norwalk Conn. USA 

Union Franco-Américaine

Dear Emma & children
the other night just as I was crawling in my blankets a soulder handed me two letters from you.  It was fine & well Emma you are putting your ambition to effect in regard to giving lessons.  I think this is very fine but do not over do it.  now that the war is over we should have that grate Pleasur of all being in good helth when [[I]] return. I have been through so much the last two months that it seems only a dream but so many real thumps and still alive makes me feel very happy, and to know we will soon all be home, most of us befour Xmas.  I am now right near the border of Belgum and Luxenbourg.  Have been riding & walking about 200 miles in good french mud for the last two months.  have had to wear my helmet since I left montmeril was gassed twice but it did not stop and am quite well now thank to a good old soulder that has been with me most of the time he was assigned to me and surely a soulder who had been through all the experience of the war so when we had