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there is so many things I have seen with my own eyes which are to horable [[horrible]] that if it was not for that I could hardly believe it. as far as eating goes some of my best meals have been near the first line, in caves, but some of our meals have consisted in a little [[?]] in tightly our belt. and [[?]][[thinking]] of the good meals we have had, [[?]] at some places was very difficult, and with roads blown up our [[?]], wagon and kitchen were often lost. or stuck in the mud. if we do not get orders ([[?]]) to move in a day or two we will have to clean our pots + pans for food, but we expect our movement orders soon and today the sun is shining and we all look for [[strikethrough]]some papers[[/strikethrough]]. the arrival of some papers today even if they are a day or two old we do what to know what the rest of the world is doing. Paul will be just in time to miss the war