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at the start then they finally had to turn and run. I walked all over the ground a few days afterwards, almost to the line about 40 Kilometers from here and the villages even the great fields were swept away by our cannon. The roads looked like a Western cyclone had struck them. In the towns and out of the way places the air was still full of the smell of the dead . The job was done so clean that I hope that the Allies can get on German territory..

They will make Germany look like the desert of Southern California. I have made many sketches and written much about this fight, but am just relying now that we were placed where we really had the opportunity to do much good all this Mr. Blanc is on his Permission for about fifteen days. Jim is still with me, but believe that as soon as Blanc comes back he will be moved and O hope to go also. I did read your poetry Monk, and thought it fine but if I had known then what I know now that fine piece of poetry and candy would have been sleeping in that box until now, we are just dying for some and we try and get some candy and tobacco for the soldiers but cannot. The candy not at all, the tobacco about one third of the time. The French are always asking us for the American cigarettes but we cannot Jimmie laid in a supply was almost out when yesterday I got a few boxes from a YMCA van that was going through. There is still one package of sugar left. We have that in the Foyer through(?) the army. I have plenty of soap. Also there are many other necessities of life that are not hard to get from the French, in fact we are better treated than people are in Paris or in the South of France. I miss Paul you could take care of the place this winter, there are many boys over here your age and younger that have greater responsibility. Lots of them in the army. Ofcourse the Government will not let you come now, but we have helped many boys that have great responsibility here. So glad to hear about your corn and garden and ponies and stable. You have not said anything about Mike, Bluey and the cats.   Lots of love and kisses to you, affectionately, Solon