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and [[strikethrough]]we are the[[/strikethrough]] has been divided up in thes three small towns. My foyer is well started in this one, and I will start two others for the rest of the regement when they are well started I will visite them every day. on horse back this a beautiful country around here, but all busch. we are in the middle of this little state the name of the vilage is about a mile long. Yesterday I took a trip to a town near the German border, it is quite a change 

[[right side of page]]
[[watermark image of soldier in trench coat, hat, and army boots holding a rifle, middle of page watermark has an upside-down triangle with the words "Y.M.C.A" posted in the center;
Union Franco- Américane
le __________ ]] end of watermark ]]
Mrs Solon H Borglun
Jan 1. 1919.
Dear Emma & Children
Since I last wrote you I have finished that 50 mile trip I told you of and of course it rained all day and when we arrived we were wet & very tired. then the next day we took a trip of 15 mils to visit three vilages where the regement would be  placed. Now the regement has arrived