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Jan 20,1918 (Monica's note must be 1919)

Dear Emma and Children,
This morning two letters of yours were brought to me by my director Mr. Ingersoll. This is the first time he has visited my foyer, only there were threeto show him, in three different villages, a Mr. Smith came with him, Smith is the man who took my foyer at Rheims, they are both very fine men. They had written me a letter of congratulations for my Croix de Guere but I have never received it. Their special visit after a ride of 200 kilometers were very fine of them to make. Mr. Ingersill is leaving for home in about three weeks, he is a lawyer and lives in Brooklyn. when he arrives his wife will write you and have you visit them. You could go to New York and stay there with some friends overnight and take the day to visit them. He can give you first hand news of me. My Regiment will soon move and I will go with them to the next resting place which I think will be its last. Then I will go to Paris and ask to be relieved, I am very anxious to go home and believe my work is done here. They can get other men to do this work. We'll leave this place before the first of February.  We think some time in the middle of February, it might be possible to let you know when I leave. I was very glad to see Mr. Ingersoll, he is one of the fine types of American and has given up much time to work for the French Army. I just heard of two boxes. They, the P.O. does not know where to fine me so they say. I will ask them to hold them for me. I hope you will be very careful and not get sick