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Februaru 6
Mutzig, Alsace

Dear Emma and children,
You will see by this letter that my Regiment has made a trip of about 150 miles, the first fifty was on horseback, the rest by train. Horseback it was fine but on the train very cold. Last night it snowed so now wintery. My Regiment is contannoned in 4 cillages, Molsheim, Dorlishume, Mutzig and still two of the towns have already five Foyers. So there is not much for me to do, our soldiers can make use of them. Friday we begin our march through the Voges. It will take give days, we ought to arrive then in Apenil, France. It will be great to get on French [[strikethrough]] ground again although this is French ground, it still smells of the Bosch. Our Popot is in a house of a very fine Alsatian family. The man was prisoner in Germany for three years. He has many interesting things to tell. As soon as we arrive at the end of our trip I will go to Paris and ask to be relieved in April. Then I will go to Charleville and report to my Director the result of my work since I left there the 29th of September. I probably will not get any letter from you for a number of days because the Head Office does not know where to find me when we are on the road, Elisabeth's country is very fine. The part we went through reminds of many places I have seen in America except the houses are different. We passed Strasbourg in the night so had no chance to see this city. Would like very much to see it and may take a trip tomorrow by auto