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American Y.M.C.A

feb 27 1919

Dear Emma & children
Am now in Paris arrived last night at midnight found two old letter and a post card from you. The P.C. signed by all.  wishing me a Mary X Mas. The letter speeks of Brentan's looking over your [[gains?]], do hope it will go through alright. You certinly deserve success in your hard work. Your latter letter speek of them not taking it at once, hope that it is only tempory though. 
Tried to see Mr Warren today but he is out of town. Will see him tomorrow. The American Z[[?]] Y is doing this for our boys. So I will have to do transfers back to the American work. Since my trip back to the lines he has told the Director of the Foyer du Soldat that they want me to stay that there is no one over here that can take my place from the