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we were all mighty glad to leave Luxembourg the people as a whole are not very nice, some are but thy[[they]] would rather be [[strikethrough]]read[[/strikethrough]] rid of us and we were glad to get out. although this small country is very beautifull. am writing this letter in the Foyer of this town Mutzig where it has been for some time. the director is not here so am waiting for him to show up. am very glad that there is a foyer here becaus we are tired and this save us the trouble of starting one. I Prey that you all have good helth and it is not to cold. in this country it is impossibl to get a room with a stove in it. they do not know how to heat there houses. but there beds are warm and after one hour in bed you can be quite warm. lots of love & kisss to you all will write at our next stoppg[[stopping]] Place. Solon.