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1211 Arch St., Phila.
March 7, 1924.

Mr. H. O. Tanner, 
246 Fulton Street,
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Tanner:

We all know that "Large Bodies" move slowly, and therefore you will not be surprised when I suggest that we can hardly ask the Richard Humphreys Foundation to proceed in time to make it possible for definite instructions to be issued before you sail to France, on the coming Saturday. 

Such being the case I will thank you to send me your Paris address, in the hope that the desired commission to paint "Nicodemus Coming to Christ" may be forwarded by post in the near future.

As between gentlemen, I feel that your request for payment of $500.00 "in advance" and another sum of like amount within six months after the work is started, would be entirely proper and satisfactory.

Inasmuch, however, as Richard Humphreys Foundation is a corporation which handles trust funds, I hardly see how we can avoid asking you to accept full responsibility for the painting until after it shall have been installed at Cheyney. 

The sole justification for spending $3000.00 out of income from this trust estate, is to display at Cheyney (or elsewhere) an inspirational painting by a world famous artist of the Negro race - and if anything should occur to prevent you from completing the contract - even to the extent of having the picture completed by some one else - the project would fail to meet our instructions and we would subject ourselves to the probability of criticism for unwise use of the money for which we are responsible. 

I do not understand that you need "partial payments" to cover living expenses, etc. while the work is in progress, and have no doubt that the above explanation of our position will be understood and will prove acceptable.

As Richard Humphreys Foundation is a Pennsylvania corporation and as capital assets in excess of $150,000.00, there is ample financial responsibility - and I believe the Board would agree readily, to pay you the entire sum of $3000.00 within 15 days after official acceptance of the painting. 

It has been a pleasure to have an opportunity of conferring with you, and I am most desirous that the matter shall proceed to a conclusion that will be acceptable to all parties concerned. 

The painting that you brought to Philadelphia last Friday impressed me exceedingly and produced an increasingly favorable effect, the longer I looked at it - which is quite more than can be said for the work of some artists. 

Very truly yours, 
(Signed) James G. Biddle.