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Representation of the Institution: Before other Federal and non-Federal Governmental agencies such as the White House, the Office of Management and Budget, General Accounting Office, Cabinet Departments, Civil Service Commission, U. S. Congress, Commission of Fine Arts, National Capital Planning Commission, State and local governments.

Before the public through exhibitions, performances, lectures, studies, tours, publications, television, radio, and related media.


The suggestion to hold monthly or periodic meetings of the Executive Committee (Permanent Committee) in order to develop a means by which it can most effectively assist the Secretary in his administration of the Institution, could incorporate the following:

1. A monthly report to the Executive Committee (possibly to all Regents) on salient facts of operation, finances as compared to budgets, museum attendance as compared with last year, progress on construction as against estimates, status of programs, emerging programs, and other indicators of the status of the Institution.

NOTE: In the luncheon discussion on March 22, Mr. Webb mentioned the National Geographic report of two pages which is presented to the National Geographic Trustees at the beginning of each meeting and which Mr. Webb thought might be appropriate for us. We received the format of this report and although it does not meet our needs because of the diversity of our programs, we can adapt a form which could state succinctly those aspects of reporting which lend themselves to such a summary form. A sample format is attached.

2. A monthly agenda would include those major issues requiring action (with accompanying background material).

Certain considerations must be given to arrangements for the meetings, i.e., location, etc.; frequency of meetings; need there be a quorum for the meetings; recording of discussions; dissemination of a synopsis of discussions; follow-up actions.
