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dispose of the property [given], the funds achieved from such a disposal would be placed in the . . . Fund already in existence at the Institution, with particular emphasis on the income from this portion of the Fund being used for" the purposes specified. Thus, if the property originally bequeathed is sold, the entire proceeds should be deemed part of the principal of the fund. We also find that two instruments create life interests in third persons who are now living, the principal thereafter to pass to the Smithsonian Institution as an endowment fund. These funds are the Harry Higbee Memorial Endowment Fund and the Jessie H. Lindsey Fund. Until termination of the life interests, we do not recommend use of the prudent percentage of fund values method of income determination in regard to these funds. Four instruments direct that a certain percentage, either 50 percent or 25 percent, of the "income" or "interest" of the fund be accumulated and added to principal. These funds include the Carl J. Drake Fund, Miriam and William Rollins Fund, Joseph White Sprague Fund, and Charles D. and Mary V. Walcott Research Fund. After determining income by the method of a prudent percentage of fund values, the Smithsonian should appropriate the applicable percentage of income to the principal of these funds.