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Aquila canadensis [[Aquilegia canadensis]]
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[[strikethrough]] 383 [[/strikethrough]] - Buzzart ♂ + Sternum
Eyes orange brown. Coal Harbor
Unga Apr. 3 1872 M.W. Harrington
384 Impressions of leaves from 
layer J. Coal Harbor Unga ID
385. From clayey nodule layer
A. Round ID Coal Harbor WHDall
386. Sandstone layer A. Round
Island layer A Unga WHDall
387. do [[9?]] of fault.  same locality  WHDall
388.  Porphyrite [[Porphyritic]] layer @.  Same locality  WHDall
389.  Calcite from rear fault.  Same locality  WHDall
390.  Black granite rock E side.  New Harbor from layer [[?]] of section, just above Portage Ravine. Unga.   WHDall
391.  Porphyrile from behind and & above the last layer P.   WHDall
392.  Ditto from below conglomerate bed south of ravine same locality   WHDall