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L. albus not rupestris


✓ Eggs nearly fresh, 1 broke.

64. (981). Plectr. nivalis [[male symbol]] June 19 1873 Attu Id. Alaska  E.P. Herendeen
65 (982) Head of Som. [[Juigra?]] & legg. June 20 1873 Attu Id. Alaska E.P. Herendeen
66 (983) Thalassidroma furcata. June 20 1873
Attu Id. in burrow on islet. W.H. Dall
67. (984). Thal. Leachii Jun 20 1873.
Islets Chichagoff Harbor. Attu Id. W.H. Dall.
[[red line]] 68. (985) Miscellaneous invertebrates 5-7 fms gravel & sand. Chichagoff Harbor Attu. WH Hall
69. (986) Crabs & sponges do- do- 
W H Dall
[[red line]] 70 (987) miscellaneous in 
W H Dall
71. Skull of Corvus carnivorus Chichagoff Harb. Attu. W.H. Dall
72. Lagopus albus [[female symbol] head & [[strikethrough]] seven [[/strikethrough] nine eggs Attu Id June 21 1873 E.P Herendeen
73. Miscellaneous invert 5-7 fms gravelly Chichagoff Harbor Attu Id (988) WH Dall
74. Plectrophenax lapponicus [[male symbol]] Eye blk June 20 Chichagoff Harbor Attu Id. E.P. Herendeen
75. P. nivalis [[female symbol]] nest & 5 eggs. June 20, 1873. Chichagoff Harbor Attu Id. [[strikethrough]] E.P. Herrendeen [[/strikethrough]] W.H. Dall
76. Troglodytes alascensis [[male symbol]] Eye blk June 20. 1873 Chichagoff Harbor Attu Id. E.P. Herendeen

Transcription Notes:
Attu is correct Id. short for island fms = fathoms I assume the "do."s are "dittos"- should they be transcribed as "do." or should they be filled in? Unsure if circle + cross symbols are supposed to be the symbol for female, since they aren't pointed the right direction? The notations on the left page seem to match up to and elaborate upon lines on the right- should this be indicated by some means? I did not indicate them as such, but they might almost be treated as marginalia for the right page.