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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Platanus a few
Lysiadendron [[Liriodendron?]] a few
Prunus black a few
Sassafras com [[common]]
Acer a few
Taxodium a few above Cr. just east of Lynnhaven
Arundinaria - small
Fagus a few near Norfolk
Pteris caudata [[strikethrough]] at.V.A [[/strikethrough]] abu. [[abundant]]
Hustonia [[Houstonia]] [[russellarosa?]]?

Taxodium 1 big tree in edge of Norfolk.
Fig - com, full of fruit,

Norfolk, July 12 to Virginia Beach

Mimus com.
Krubi ateota[[?]] com.
Cathastes[[?]] avera[[?]]
Zenaidura  a few
Ardea herodias 2
Ardea caerulea \\ 6
Butezoides[[?]] [[Butorides?]] virescens 6
Colinus virginianus com
Agelaius! a few
Cardinalis com
[[Peucaea?]] aestivalis, heard
Geothilypis, heard


Transcription Notes:
Despite Google and Wikispecies searches, I've found few of these plants online. It may be his spelling? Plants and animals... Prieruis -> Prunus Lyunekoven -> Lynnhaven Agreed. Also, if you're not sure about a word, enclose it like this Lyunekoven[[?]] to indicate to future reviewers so they can try to research it. abu = abundant (on Pteris line) (this is listed in the About the Project on the project home page, as is com=common)