Viewing page 4 of 44

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

July 11 to 13 Elk River.

Quiscalus               abu. in flock
Corvus                  com.
Agelaius phoeniceus     com.
Dolichonyx oryzivorus    6 
Molothrus ater           3 
Cyanocitta               1 
Dryobates pubescens      2 
Colaptes                com. 
Melanerpes               1 
Colinus                 com.
Buteo borealis           1
[[Circus?]]              1
Helodramus solitarius    2
Botaurus                com.
Hydroehelidon           com.
Melospiza               com.
Poocetes                com.
Spiza                   com
Spizella socialis       com
Oxyechus + young       (chat)
Sitta                   heard
Parus                    12
Geothlypis               com
Pyrauga                 3 pairs
Vireo olivaceus         com
Vireo gilvus            com
Vireo solitarius        1 heard
Progne                  com

[[right page]]

Hirundo      breeding,   com.

Chataura [[Chaetura]] pelagica  com.
Troglodytidae            com.
[[crossed out]] Thryothorus [/crossed out]
Short-billed marsh wren  com.
Tyrannus tyrannus        com.
Sayornis phoebe          com.
Contopus virens          com.
Icterus galbuela          2 
Hylocycla [[Hylocichla]] com.
Merula                   com.
Sialia                    2
Cyanospiza               a few
Toxostoma                 2
Coccyzus                  2
Ceryle                    2
Spizella pallida         a few
Otocoris                 a few
[[Coturniculus?]]       heard
[[?]]                    a few
Seirus [[aurcapfilus?]][[aurocapillus]] heard
Passer domesticus        com
Lanius                     1

Transcription Notes:
**Found most of the names on both pages except not sure on one. Did do all checking online. Still working on it, so as of Wed. afternoon, still working. Have a few left to find. **Whoever transcribed this first put no capital letters on the birds' names, and had a lot of misspellings. Had not looked up any bird names, obviously, so most were incorrect just by guessing. These pages took over an hour to do because some were not listed under scientific and common bird name lists.