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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Lilea  com
Ulmus am -  com
Ulmus rubra  com
Populus tremuloides  com
Populus grandidintata [[grandidentata]]  com   
Prunus am  com 
Prunus Virginiana  com
Rhus glabra  com
Coryleus  com
Larix  in swamps
Pieca  in swamps

Big prairie begins about 5 miles beyond it [[??]] 
to Moorehead [[Moorhead]],MN [[?]] Aspen
Moorehead [[Moorhead]] & Fargo 

Populus peronti    com
Negundo            com
Fraxinus           com
Ulmus              com
Prunus             com
Quercus macrocarpa  com
Plum   com
Chokecherry   com


Zenaidura   a few        
Euphagus?   flocks      


[[Baker?]] City
Sturnella neglecta, heard 

Valley City


[[?]]   along R. 
Crategus   along R.
Humilis cupos  along R.
Monarda  [[house?]] along R.
Liliums   house/[[?]] on prairie
Asclepias   com
Astragalus [[casyacarpus?]], a few
Solidago [["capitata"?]]  com
Solidago missouriensis  com
Linum   yellro

Transcription Notes:
The names should be correct, except there were a few I didn't know. Please check. ================================= - Removed underline tags per "No need to indicate font style , underlined, or bolded and italicized words" - Reverted "grandidentata" to misspelled "grandidintata". ** OK, BUT I PUT THE CORRECT SPELLING TO THE SIDE FOR REFERENCE. WE ARE TOLD WE CAN DO THAT. - Chang - "Moorehead" misspelled in original. It should be "Moorhead" **I ADDED IN BRACKETS. - Changed translated "Nigundi" to "Negundo - *I AGREE - Changed translated "Stunella" to "Sturnella" - *I AGREE *The person working on this after me put in indentations. I don't think we should be doing that. Looked at other examples on instructions.