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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

July 14 Jamestown N.D.
Negundo   abu.
Ulmus   abu.
Fraximus   abu.
Quercus macrocarpa, in Town
Salix   along R.
Salix   along R.
Prunus, plum   com
Prunus, chokecherry   com
Symphoricarpos  com
Artemisia frigida   abu.
Stachis [[Stachys]]  com
Gaillardia ?   com
Polygale   con
Psoralea argophylla   abu
Amorpha caneserus ?    abu
Astragalus    com
Liatris    com
Anemone patens   com
Delphinium - tall white   com
Rosa  com
Stipa   com
Petalestemon  com
Lithospermum ? big white  com
Gaura   a few
Potentilla  big white  a few
Potentilla  little yellow  com
Rudbeckia   a few
Onethera  little yellow, com
Solidago   2 com
Helianthus annus  com


Ceryle  1
Tyrannus tyrannus   com
Taechycyneta bicolor [[Tachycineta bicolor]]   com
Melospiza   com
Spiza   com
Astragalinus tristis   com
Molothrus   com
Passer domesticus   com
Sturnella neglecta   com
Colaptes auratis [[airatus]]   3
Tyrannus verticalis  6, com
Pooecites   2
Zeraidura   3
Miscela   1
Oxyechus   heard
Calamospiza   com
Circus   1
Geothlypsis   1
Hirundo   3
Calcarius,nest, com  

Transcription Notes:
*I have checked every plant name on first page, and have one "Stachis" is really "Stachys". I tried "Staelis, Staehis, Strelius, Straelies, etc..., and the only one out of maybe 10 tried possible combinations of the letters, and came up with Stachys, which if that is correct, he spelled with an "is" instead of "ys". *Second name is ULMUS, not ULTNUS, which someone changed after I did this page. LOOKED UP THE NAME!! IT IS ULMUS. Page 2 needs to be done. WHY DIDN'T THE ORIGINAL PERSON RESEARCH THESE NAMES. SOMEBODY HAS TO IN ORDER TO GET THE RIGHT SPELLING, OR CLOSE TO IT. I KNOW THE RESEARCHER HAS MADE A FEW MISTAKES, SO WE PUT DOWN WHAT HE WROTE. BUT FUTURE TRANSCRIBERS, PLEASE LOOK UP NAMES.