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July 14
Jamestown 12:05 P.M

Scenic to Rockyford

Elaegnus  begins & abn
10 mi. N. of Rockyford
Malvastrum coccinea  com
•Bartramia   1
•Chordeiles   4



Negundo  in town  [[pon?]]
Populus fremonti [[fremontii]]  in town  [[pon?]]
Eleagnus    abn
Symphorcarpos  com
Rosa  com
Glyerrhizes  com
Psoralea argophylla  com
Artemisia frigida  com
Stachis [[Stachys]]  com
Rudbeckia  com
Gaillardia  com
Petalostemon  com
Oenothera   yellow com
Anemone    white  com
Anemone patens white com
Lilium    low tiger

Negundo    in towns & gard 
Populus fremontii  in towns & gards
Symphoricarpos  com.
Eleagnus   a little  6 mi. W.
Glycurrhiza [[Glycyrrhiza]] lepidota  com
Rosa   low  com
Lilium  low tiger  com
Psoralea argophylla    abn
Petalostemon  2  pink & white,  com
Potentilla  com
Potentilla  com
Solidago "capitate"  com
Solidago missouriensis ?  com
Gaillardia ?  com
Rudbeckia  com
Celastris [[Celastrus]]   2  com
Anemone   tall white  com
Oenothera  little yellow  com
Artemesia frigida  com
Gaura  com
Stachis [[Stachys]]    com
Zinnia peruviana  com
Helianthus annuus  along R.R. com

Malvastrum coccinea  com
Oxitropis [[Oxytropis]]  com
Campanula  com
Zagadinis [[Zigadenus]]  com

Transcription Notes:
[[note]]**Scenic is about 10 miles north of Rockyford, SD. **Rockyford in S. D.