Viewing page 16 of 44

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Bismarck   July 18
Populus fremonti       on flats 
Ulmus americana        on flats  
Quereus macrocarpa     in gulches
Fraximus cuida         on flats
Prunus americana       on flats
Prunus demissa 
Salix                  on flats
Salix                  on flats
Shepherdia             abu
Yucca angustifolia     com
Opuntia missouriensis  com
Mammillaria            com

Eleaganus  on prairie, a few
Amorpha canescens      com
Symphoricarpos         abu
Rosa                   com
Psoralea argophylla    com
Astragalus crassicarpus     com
Artemisia frigida           com
Artemisia lud.-             com
Artemisia dracunculoides    com
Malvastrum coccynum         com
Stachys                     com
Gaillardia                  com
Zinnia                      com
Helianthus annuus           com
Petalostemon violacen       com
[[end of page]]

[[start of page]]
Cornus              com
Rhus toxisodendron  com
Amelanchier         com
Amorpha fruticosa   a few
Ampelopsis          com
Celastrus scandens  com
Asclepias speciosa  com

Transcription Notes:
**Ditto means to type what was above. Had to fix all of them. **No need to underline (as per SI instructions) - abu = abundant and com = common Fraximus is ash, but I can't find the species velutina is Arizona ash, but I can't find one with an ii in it. Prunus is a big genus that covers almonds, plums and peaches... persica is the closest I could find. There is a Yucca angustissima Opuntia is a prickly pear, can't decipher species. Psoralea argophylla is a tumbleweed, Astragalus crassicarpus is a ground plum Sorry, I can't guess the last entry in column. - sometimes the genus species he uses are variations or subspecies or obsolete so it can be very difficult to find - sometimes he misspells things or uses an older version of the spelling - sometimes he crosses his "l" or doesn't cross his "t" (not on this page but elsewhere)